Our Junior Surf Philosophy is Fun, Safety & Confidence
You can register online and join our Nippers programme for the 2024/2025 sesaon anytime.
Junior Surf fee (Nippers and Oceans) $65.00 per child
You can purchase the required Nippers rash top at most Sunday sessions inside the Surf Club ($25) with contactless Eftpos available.
The beach is a fantastic place for kids and we provide a Junior Surf programme for 5-13 year olds, focused on fun, skill development and improving confidence in the water. With the bonus of making great friends along the way.
There are plenty of opportunities to get your youngster involved, with our Nippers programmes running on Sunday mornings, but we also need parents & caregivers to be involved every session on the beach and in the water - or just helping be the beach manger & marking the roll if gettting wet is not your thing. The more adults we have helping our awesome volunteer coaches, the more the kids can do, the more they stay active each session which equals more fun, more confidence developed and skills gained!
Regular news and important communications are provided via email and two Facebook groups, Mount Maunganui Nippers” and “Mount Maunganuui LS Ocean Athletes”. For Nippers search on Facebook and request to join. For Oceans ask another Oceans parent, or an Oceans coach to invite you to join and your request will be approved.
We also communicate general club information via the Mount Maunganui Lifeguard Service Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Mount.Lifeguards and email club newsletters direct to your inbox.

Junior Surf begins with our Nippers programme running Sunday morning from 10.00am–12.00pm, starting Sunday 20th October 2024 through to early March 2025. We take a break over the Christmas/New Year period afterSunday 22nd December; starting back again early January 5th 2025. Nippers is a great opportunity for families to become involved in surf lifesaving. Nippers teaches kids how to keep themselves and their friends safe at the beach while having heaps of fun along the way.
Nippers is not about teaching your child to swim. We focus on survival and rescue skills that are extremely valuable to children when enjoying time at any beach. Our Surf Life Saving education teaches Nippers everything they need to know to be a young surf lifesaver, starting with surf awareness and learning about rips.
Junior Surf Membership $65.00 per child
We require a parent/guardian Active Other Membership registration of $35.00 (for the first child registered for each Junior Surf family)
Complete your child/rens registration first, then using the registration email you receive from us; log into your profile and then register yourself at the top of the page, choosing the 'Parent of Junior/Guardian' of Junior Surf group
In the Downloads section you will find the Junior Surf Handbook for the 2024-2025 season. This has more detailed information on the Junior Surf Programme.
The Junior Surf Calendar is useful to save for reference. (If you are on a device, scroll to the very bottom of the page).

Junior Surf members can choose to join the Oceans programme as a 10-13 year old, to be the next generation of competitive lifeguards. If your child loves being out on the water and racing up and down the sand the Oceans programme could be what you are looking for. This is a skills and fitness based programme, with an expectation to attend carnivals including Oceans' 25 –Festival of Junior Surf Lifesaving, held on our Main Beach late February 2025.
Children new to this competitive programme may be required to attend an assessment to ensure this is the right programme for them, with completion of the Surf Life saving New Zealand "Junior Surf 200m Safety Badge" required to ensure full participation and safety.
Training will start October 12th 2024 and finishes at the Oceans Junior Festival '25 event late February. Training sessions are Monday to Friday 4.15–5.15pm and Saturday from 10.00am–12.00pm. Switching to 10am - 12pm during school hoiday times. You don’t need to attend every session – just pick the sessions that suit your family!
2024/2025 OceansSeason Fees are:
Junior Surf Membership: $65.00 per child Active Other Parent/Guardian Membership $35.00 Oceans Coaching Fee: $280.00 Board Hire Fee: $170.00 (allocated by Head Coach)
Email info@mountlifeguards.co.nz to arrange an assessment for your child if they are new to our Junior Surf Programme,or Tauranga and your child is keen to participate in our Oceans programme. Our Head Coach will be in contact to discuss the assessment and may have questions around their swimming
In the Downloads section you will find the Junior Surf Handbook. This has more detailed information on the Junior Surf Programme.

The Rookie lifeguard programme is an exciting, free, structured transition programme from Nippers/Oceans into active lifeguarding every summer. Rookie lifeguards participate in a training programme and assist lifeguards on weekend patrols, until they turn 14 and can sit the Surf Life Saving New Zealand 'Surf Lifeguard Award'. They can also compete in the SLSNZ Eastern Region, Rookies Championships, held late March 2025. Sessions are held on Sunday from November to February, with a break over the Christmas/New Year perios, with some additional hours "on patrol" to suit your family schedule.
Rookies are 12 (and turning 13 before March 31st 2025) and 13 year olds , who can swim 200 meters in a pool in under 4 minutes 30 seconds wishing to become Lifeguards next season.
Our Rookie Lifeguard muster is on a Sunday, mid-November at 10.00am upstairs in the Member Lounge at the club.
We invite all keen Rookies and a parent/guardian to attend - meet your Rookie Coordinator, and find out what the season will involve, pick up your Rookie Lifeguard uniform and ask any questions before the programme kicks off.
Register your child from October 2024 for our Rookie Lifeguard programme, by contacting the club info@mountlifeguards.co.nz and the Rookie LIfeguard Co-ordinator will be in touch with eligible Junior Surf members.
Junior Surf Membership: $65.00 per child